ADVENT 2024: Reclaiming Christmas: Living out biblical love

ADVENT 2024: Reclaiming Christmas: Living out biblical love

So many holidays incorporate the theme of love. When you hear the word love, your mind probably goes to Valentine's Day. That's a common and understandable association, but I think it's built on a misunderstanding of, to use the cliche, the true meaning of Christmas. Charlie Brown had it right: in m...

The 'Kids for Cash' Scandal Is About Much More Than Biden's Ignominious Pardon

The 'Kids for Cash' Scandal Is About Much More Than Biden's Ignominious Pardon

It’s about the system itself: structured on the value and, indeed, the necessity, of punishment, of “war” on all that is evil, from a kid stealing a candy bar to terrorists attacking America.

Commentary: As Christmas and Hanukkah coincide, is it time for everyone to let there be holiday lights?

Commentary: As Christmas and Hanukkah coincide, is it time for everyone to let there be holiday lights?

Hanukkah begins on Christmas this year, marking a rare coincidence of the Jewish and Christian holidays, which occur according to different calendars. The alignment invites reflection on how two tr…

Letters: No year-round time change | Watch for signs of tyranny | Stop belittling Trump voters

Letters: No year-round time change | Watch for signs of tyranny | Stop belittling Trump voters

Year-round daylight saving time would be dangerous for children waiting for school in the mornings.

Commentary: As airport food options expand, service workers deserve more

Commentary: As airport food options expand, service workers deserve more

As Orlando International Airport attracts new restaurants, as the food-service union leader writes, there is no mention or consideration of any kind regarding the employment standards for the food …

Commentary: Stop Congress from taking away crucial online safe spaces for LGBTQ youth

Commentary: Stop Congress from taking away crucial online safe spaces for LGBTQ youth

The executive director of Safe Schools South Florida writes that a bill being considered in Congress that is meant to protect kids online would instead allow state or federal regulators to ban a gr…

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